Simple Tax Calculator (including GST for Australia)

This calculator will help you set your own tax rates, before cost and after cost taxation. GST is a common tax of 10% in Australia for Goods and Services. You can see how much you can claim in tax credits.

Adding Tax
Before Tax
Tax Amount
Total (including Tax)$0
Removing Tax
Total (including Tax)
Tax Amount$0
Before Tax$0

GST Calculations

There are two types of GST, which including.

How to Calculate the Tax for GST

If you want to know the formula for calculate your own GST, please see the options below:

Price * Tax = Total (inc Tax) 
eg. $100 * 1.1 = $110 (including tax)

If you want to calculate the tax amount before purchase, the following formula can be used:

Price / Tax = Total (ex Tax) 
eg. $110 / 1.1 = $100 (excluding tax)